AmateurLogician.com has a mission to revive logic, especially traditional logic.

I invite you to join me in studying this fascinating topic.
In our digital age, with propaganda everywhere, it has become increasingly important for us to develop our critical thinking skills. We need to think more deeply and more broadly.
We need the ability to evaluate arguments propagated in the public sphere.
There is more than ever a need to acquire the intellectual discipline to be a “generalist.”

And if an amateur like me can learn logic, then so can you!

Diversion & Relevancy Fallacies
Informal Fallacies & Language
Hello, and welcome to my website!
I’m the Amateur Logician.
Together let’s seek what is true, good, and beautiful. These are not mere abstract values to intellectually pursue, but values to concretely discover, realize, and build a legacy around.
Slowly, but steadily, I’m developing online guides to the Trivium (logic, rhetoric, and grammar) and at least parts of the Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy).
There’s also a focus on mathematics and general philosophy.
Yet my website breaks boundaries.
It’s educational, in part, and philosophical, in part, and even personal, in part.
We’re flooded with information. It’s often contradictory. That’s why we need to study logic! It’s why we need philosophy, too. We need to think critically. We need to analyze, synthesize. You’re invited to join me in this quest.
About Me: The Amateur Logician
Blog with Updates
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Trivium: Logic
Propositional Logic
Trivium: Grammar
Trivium: Rhetoric
Math & Physics
Highlights for this Season:
– An Invitation to Logic
– Conditional Propositions & Syllogisms
– Inferences in Propositional Logic
– Testimony & Unsound Authority
– Informal Fallacies & Language
– Diversion & Relevancy Fallacies
– Presumption Fallacies
– Reductio ad Absurdum Arguments
– Dilemmas
–Mill’s Inductive Methods