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Month: November 2024

Basic Symbolic Logic Course

Wow! It’s been a while since the last blog post, right?

Excuses can be given, but are they good excuses?

Hey, I do have over 200 videos on my YouTube channel. It’s not like I haven’t been productive as “The Amateur Logician!” The playlist for the series on Basic Symbolic Logic has been completed with around 50 videos. Anyone wanting to learn the basics of Propositional Logic and Predicate Logic can avail themselves of it.

More is to come! I’m in the process of creating a Traditional Logic Course. A series on the philosophy of Rene Descartes is to come. Also, a series on David Gordon’s textbook on economics is in the works.

Please Consider Supporting My Work!

Basic Symbolic Logic Course!
Around 50 Videos to Master Logic.
  1. Easiest Book on Symbolic Logic
  2. Symbolic Logic I: Sentences & Sentential Connectives
  3. Symbolic Logic I: Form of Molecular Sentences
  4. Symbolic Logic I: Symbolizing Sentences
  5. Symbolic Logic I: Sentential Connectives & Symbols
  6. Symbolic Logic I: Grouping & Parentheses
  7. Symbolic Logic I: Elimination of Some Parentheses
  8. Symbolic Logic II: Logical Inference
  9. Symbolic Logic II: Rules of Inference (part a)
  10. Symbolic Logic II: More Logical Inferences (part b)
  11. Symbolic Logic II: “Real” Arguments and Proofs
  12. Symbolic Logic II: More About Parentheses
  13. Symbolic Logic II: Hypothetical Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma
  14. Symbolic Logic II: Types of Inferences & De Morgan’s Laws
  15. Symbolic Logic II: Biconditional Sentences w/ Many Proofs!
  16. Chapter 3 of “First Course in Mathematical Logic”
  17. Symbolic Logic III: Truth Values in Propositional Logic
  18. Symbolic Logic III: Diagrams of Truth Value
  19. Symbolic Logic III: Discovering Invalid Conclusions!
  20. Symbolic Logic III: Conditional Proofs w/ “Real World” Examples
  21. Symbolic Logic III: Inconsistent Premises Entail Contradictions!
  22. Symbolic Logic III: Making Indirect Proofs (part a)
  23. Symbolic Logic III: Reductio ad Absurdum Examples (part b)
  24. STUDY & LEARN LOGIC – Continuing Symbolic Logic Series
  25. Symbolic Logic IV: Truth Tables
  26. Symbolic Logic IV: Tautologies
  27. Symbolic Logic IV: Tautological Implications & Equivalence
  28. Studying Symbolic Logic Continued. . .
  29. Symbolic Logic V: Limitation of Propositional Logic
  30. Symbolic Logic V: Intro to Predicate Logic
  31. Symbolic Logic V: Basic Formulas in Predicate Logic
  32. Symbolic Logic V: Quantifiers & Predicates
  33. Symbolic Logic V: Predicate Logic Textbook Exam
  34. Studying Predicate Logic with Textbook…
  35. Symbolic Logic VI: Beginner Proofs!
  36. Symbolic Logic VI: Universal Instantiation & Generalization
  37. Symbolic Logic VI: Existential Instantiation & Generalization
  38. Symbolic Logic VI: Change of Quantifier Rule
  39. Symbolic Logic VI: Two(+) Universal Quantifiers
  40. Symbolic Logic VI: Logical Arguments w/ Multiple Universal Quantifiers
  41. Symbolic Logic VI: Careful Look @ Relational Predicate Logic
  42. Symbolic Logic VI: Showing an Argument is INVALID
  43. Symbolic Logic VI: Intro to Identity!
  44. Symbolic Logic VI: Truths of Logic
  45. Completing Logic Book; Future of Channel
  46. Symbolic Logic VII: Simple Mathematical System; Commutative Axiom
  47. Symbolic Logic VII: Become an Amateur Algebraist! Associative Axiom
  48. Symbolic Logic VII: Be an Amateur Algebraist! Axioms for ZERO
  49. Symbolic Logic VII: Amateur Algebraist w/ Simple Abelian Group
  50. Symbolic Logic VIII: Finishing Suppes & Hill Textbook!
  51. Update & Thank You

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