Amateur Logician videos are mostly on YouTube.
Below are a few of the exceptions from TikTok.
Aristotle was right when he argued that accepting contradictions as true leads to utter incoherence and madness. Contradictions lead to bad thinking. Out of a contradiction, we can “prove” the moon is made out of cheese, that black is white and white is black, and that four is not identical to four.
Logic is truly a part of the liberal arts; it’s not just mathematics. We can read better and write better when we understand logic better. There are many good reasons to learn logic!
Book Recommendations:
The Logic of Real Arguments by Alec Fisher
Socratic Logic by Peter Kreeft
Logic as a Liberal Art by Rollen Edward Houser
Basic Logic by Raymond J. McCall
The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric by Sister Miriam Joseph
Introduction to Logic by Andrew H. Bachhuber