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About Me:
The Amateur Logician

George Wick

I seek what is true, good, and beautiful. These are not mere abstract values to intellectually pursue, but values to concretely discover, realize, and build a legacy around. To this end, not only do I have a particularly high interest in philosophy, and so try to read as much of the subject, vast and diverse though it is, as I can, but I seek meaningful and impactful relations with others in this quest.

I’m primarily a self-taught autodidact; though, I’ve taken upper-division university courses in mathematics, philosophy, and pedagogy. Learning is a never ending thing.

And it’s best done with others.

To me, life is a spiritual quest. Truth is not some arbitrary value; it’s an ultimate value of reality. It should be the task of every man to adjust himself, as best as possible, to what is true. Good philosophy must be based on an openness to — and an embracing of — reality. This allows us to look at the universe we reside in with wonder, amazement, and awe.

I believe purpose is imbedded within our nature.

For example, we are rational; ergo, it’s fulfilling or appropriate to learn things, to act in a rational manner, and to acquire virtues. Additionally, purpose comes “naturally” to us because we act, and human action implies ends and means, where means have a purpose to obtain ends. Our interconenctivity with each other is also imbedded within our nature. We are social animals – and should fulfill that nature peacefully and with love.

I’m George Wick, the Amateur Logician. Welcome to my website! is a work-in-progress.
It’s primarily an education and philosophy website.

I’m (in part) a content creator. Slowly, but steadily, I’m developing online guides to the Trivium (logic, rhetoric, and grammar) and at least parts of the Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy).

There’s also a focus on mathematics and general philosophy.

I produce (amateurish!) videos on logic, philosophy, and math for YouTube and TikTok.

My website breaks boundaries. It’s educational, in part, and philosophical, in part, and even personal, in part. It’s a quest for wisdom. You’re invited to join me in this quest!

You can help support me at “Buy Me a Coffee.” You can follow me with my newsletter…

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As an “aspiring intellectual entrepreneur,” I’m in the process of offering tutorage services, with a focus on traditional logic, high school or community college mathematics, and English composition.

There is a growing need for everyone to develop critical thinking skills.

Hence – the existence of this website.

We’re thrown in a digital world of contradictory information and propaganda. Our public education system rarely provides us with the necessary tools that lead the way to critical thinking. Even worse, basic philosophical questions are either ignored or discouraged.

Schools have become places of passing tests and memorization.

Real learning should nurture the soul. It must be holistic! That’s what a “liberal education” was about. It was about making you a well-rounded person, instead of an overly narrow one with knowledge exclusively of specialized skills. And that’s exactly why logic and philosophy are at the core of a good education.

A quest for truth, goodness, and even beauty requires studying logic!

Some Random Photography . . .

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